Successful Events for Primary and EY

March 21, 2017

The previous half term was one of the busiest of the academic year so far! Our Primary and Early Years children excelled both academically, socially and emotionally and at the many events that were held both at EY and WP. Even in the last week of term the, hugely successful, Fantastic Finish (WP), Literacy Messy Day (EY) and Ring of Friendship (EY) meant that we went into the holidays with a bang!. My favourite events last term were EY and WP sports day, amazing events where every child participated showing determination, teamwork and House Spirit! I particularly enjoyed the House parades, where children from Year 3 to Year 13 worked together to create a spectacular show for the other Houses to enjoy. As we start a new term, I hope that it will be as busy, productive and fun as the one just gone. Thank you to parents, students and staff for your never-ending support. I feel lucky to be part of such a dedicated community that allows these events to be possible.