
September 28, 2015

This week, we have had some excellent Thai cooking lessons, led by the Thai teachers helping with boarding in the evening. The spring rolls that the students cooked were particularly popular, with all those that shared eating them! Thursday also brought the opening of the boarding shop: this proved to be very popular indeed with the students, and I would like to congratulate the boarders who have worked on setting this up. I am sure that the boarding community will find this service invaluable for snacks, toiletries and stationery supplies. Friday was the prefect and sixth form evening out, for which the students chose to go to Fashion Island for some food and shopping. The trip this weekend was to Combat Paintball, where 15 players signed up for the trip and thoroughly enjoyed playing airsoft; a couple of the weekly boarders also joined us for the trip, which was great to see. We hope to use this venue again more in the future, as it was very safe, the arena was clear and hazard free and the marshals did an excellent job of ensuring that all had a good time in a safe way. The activities on offer at Sport and Spa have been postponed to this week, and we are having an open day on Wednesday so that the students can try the activities first before signing up. Finally, I would like to welcome Miss Jessica Amante to the Boarding team: Jessica joins us from the Philippines and is a qualified teacher and tutor. Jessica will be working in both Windsor House and Tudor House as a House Assistant, and, with her arrival, we will now be able to open up our tutoring programme in the evenings. This week, our mid-week activities on offer are: baking, crafts, origami, circuit and fitness, Sport and Spa open day, Polio Points rock concert, year 9 and 10 night out, and, finally, a weekend trip to Safari World.