Pastoral Care
The robust academic programme is supported by a strong pastoral system, which nurtures and enables each student to achieve their full potential.
The Pastoral Team – “Support for the individual”
Pastoral care deals with the overall welfare and development of a student and as such is central to the achievement of our mission statement. It is important that every student in the school has an adult who takes a specific interest in their development, welfare, progress and achievements. As a student enters the Secondary School so their lives in the school become more disparate as they begin to be taught by subject specialists.
The Form Tutor is the daily focus for each student and their parents whilst they are in the Secondary School ensuring that communication between school, student and home is open and effective. The Student Counsellor is available for students with particular problems or for informal consultation and advice.
The ultimate aim of the Pastoral Team is that every student is supported in achieving their individual potential and gets the most out of their time at the school.
The Head of Secondary has overall responsibility for the Pastoral Care Programme.
Each member of the team is available for parent consultation at any time.
The ultimate aim of the Pastoral Team is that every student is supported in achieving their individual potential and gets the most out of their time at the school.
House System
The House system was introduced in 2005 with the opening of the Windsor Park Campus. There are currently three Houses at Bromsgrove, named after previous and current Headmasters at Bromsgrove School UK:
- Edwards House named after the Headmaster (from 2004), Mr Chris Edwards MA, Merton College, Oxford
- Taylor House named after Mr Tim Taylor MA, St Peter’s College, Oxford (Headmaster 1986-2004)
- Walters House named after Mr David Walters M.C., MA, Brasenose College, Oxford (Headmaster 1931-1953).
Students in each House compete in a wide range of House events throughout the school year ranging from sporting to the creative. Students are awarded House Points for a range of BIST learner attributes; students also earn House Points for participating in, and winning, house events. The House system not only instils a sense of community and friendly competition, but your house becomes your ‘family’ during your time at Bromsgrove.
Student Voice
There is a vibrant Student Voice culture in the school, guided by the Head Boy and Head Girl. They meet regularly with the Senior Management to discuss matters of student concern. As a wider body the Sixth Form Student Council lead the students in all elements of school life, including academics, and well being.
The Learning Journal
All students are provided with a Learning Journal, incorporating information about school expectations and conduct, the school dress code and a full diary for the year to record all homework, ELO’s and ILT’s, notes and important events and dates. The Learning Journal forms an important communication link between the school and the parents, and is checked by the Form Tutor on a regular basis. Parents are requested to check and sign the Learning Journal weekly.
New Student Induction Programme
Every new student who enters BIST is carefully supported to ensure that they have a smooth transition into their new school life. The Head of Primary or relevant Head of Key Stage in Secondary will introduce them to their Class Teacher/Form Tutor, talk through school procedures and ensure that the new student has all the necessary equipment and timetable. They will also be assigned a ‘buddy’; a suitable student who will act as a guide and advisor for the first week. Tutors keep in close and regular contact with parents: every two weeks an email is sent out to inform parents of their child’s progress at school.
Student Behaviour
We have clear expectations of behaviour and conduct at BIST that are for the benefit of the school community as a whole. These expectations support the development of the BIST learner attributes and are centred about mutual respect, trust and global citizenship.
Through these expectations, we seek to give each student a secure environment in which to work, study, socialise and play. Students must follow all rules and procedures that are listed for certain areas of the school campus; in the classroom, dining hall, hallways, swimming pool, gymnasium and football field.
Rewards and Student Tracking
House Points are awarded to students when they demonstrate one of the Learner Profile attributes. The point collected are recorded and there are termly prizes for students who have acquired significant numbers of House Points.
If a student does not meet our standards in terms of their behaviour, attitude or conduct then they will be placed on a tracking report and closely monitored by the relevant Head of House. If improvements are not made, this will result in closely working with the Head of Secondary. It is important at these times that we have a direct dialogue with home and we work closely together to ensure that the student is swiftly back on track.
Care of School Property
We work on a beautiful campus and we take great care and pride in our environment. In order to have a school of which we all may be proud, it is necessary for everyone to feel a sense of ownership and responsibility. Students who deface, damage or destroy school materials or property will be subject to disciplinary action and required to make financial reimbursement.
Lost and Found
There is a ‘lost and found’ box located in the Student Information Centre. All items found must be brought to this office.
Lockers & Valuables Items
Students are strongly discouraged from carrying around valuable items, such as iPods, mobile phones, laptops and The School cannot accept responsibility for such items lost or damaged while in School. We strongly advise that each student makes full use of their locker which is provided in the first week of term. Lockers can be accessed by the student at the start of the school day, break and lunch time. If a student is unable to access their locker then their tutor is the first port of call.
Banned Items
The following items, which may be hazardous or a distraction to others, may NOT be brought into school –
- Weapons (guns, knives, catapults etc.) including replicas.
- Drugs and drug-related items (unless medically prescribed)
- Any form of alcohol and tobacco.
- Undesirable pictures, books, magazines.
- Firecrackers, lighters or matches.
- Expensive toys, expensive jewellery.
- Liquid paper (correction fluid)
- Chewing gum
Students found in possession of the items listed above will be subject to disciplinary action as per the school behavior policy and be dealt with by the Head of Secondary. In extreme circumstances, the Headmaster will be involved.
Misbehaviour and Student-centred Consequences
Bromsgrove is a well-disciplined school making it easy for teachers to focus on and praise good behaviour rather than bad. Good behaviour and outstanding achievement are recognised regularly and formally in weekly whole school assemblies and in House Meetings. At BIST we believe that students are accountable for their actions; they are responsible for conducting themselves properly, in a way that upholds the reputation of the School, and in a manner appropriate to their age and level of their tutor or class teacher. As such, we do not administer detentions but subscribe to the concept of student devised sanctions. We ask students to think carefully about their actions and suggest a way that they can make amends for their behaviour. Students will be asked to explain any behaviour that departs from the expected initially to their tutor or class teacher. Should any student persist in ignoring the guidelines or be in serious breach of them, he or she will be accountable to their respective Head of House, the Head of Secondary and ultimately to the Headmaster.