
October 13, 2015

It seems almost impossible to believe that we are almost half way through the first academic term of the new school year. It has been a half-term packed with exciting learning and teaching, a wide range of house events (not forgetting the spectacular BIST Trashion show), sports competitions and fixtures, the ISB Choir Festival, Bromsgrove’s Got Talent, a new programme of amazing boarding trips plus many, many more. It is also fantastic to see some of our basketball players topping the TISAC basketball league in the year we re-joined this Athletic Conference. It has been a real pleasure to speak to a number of parents over the past 8 weeks and listen to your feedback about how amazing BIST is this year – both in and out of the classrooms. I would like to thank all my dedicated staff for their ongoing commitment to the school as, without them, this half-term would not have been possible: they all deserve a well-earned holiday next week. Lastly, I would also like to wish all our students, parents and guardians a restful break. I look forward to welcoming you back with your batteries fully charged and raring to go for the upcoming residential trips programme.