
December 1, 2015

Boarding has seen a couple of quiet weeks, with the Primary challenge week and now the secondary boarders all away on their various adventures. For the Primary students, I am pleased to say that the boarders all had a great time, and being away from home was taken in their stride. For me, it was great to see the year 2 and 3 on-site this week, with the year 3 students staying over night after a really exciting day. After a hot chocolate and marshmallow drink to settle before bed, the year 2s went home and the year 3s set up camp in the Tudor House study room. It was great to read for them one of my favourite stories, ‘A Bear Called Paddington’, with the excellent assistance of Ms Huntsley helping to enact the female voices for the reading. For our weekend trip on 22 November, we visited the Cartoon Network Water park. This was very popular and also gave the maintenance team a chance to complete the regular insect spraying and keep everyone away from any fumes, which should keep us safe for a couple of months. A big congratulations to the senior basketball team, which includes many of the Windsor House boys. We have now given out the names for the Secret Santa event on the penultimate day of term, I am working with the local golf course to set up our Christmas meal and Ms Ho is planning a scavenger hunt that she is keeping very secret! As a boarding team, we are all working hard to review the recent reports that were sent out to adapt the boarding provision and offer additional help and support where needed. If you feel that your child(ren) would benefit from any help in a specific area, please contact tminh@bromgrove.ac.th as he is overseeing our study support sessions. Finally, I wish the absolute best of luck to our Korean BDST students who are taking their exams this week: your dedication to study will hopefully be reflected in your grades.