
December 1, 2015

It is hard to believe that we are now only two weeks away from the end of the first academic term – it certainly has been action packed with a huge amount of exciting learning experiences and enrichment events for all our students. Last week saw both the WP and EY campuses celebrate Loy Krathong and my heartfelt thanks go to our Thai department for their amazing work in organising both events. In addition, our newly formed PTA did a wonderful job in organising the stalls, snacks and refreshments after both events. If you would like to get involved in the PTA this year on either campus please contact our parent liaison officers for further details. This week our Secondary students are away on the residential trips and I look forward to hearing all about their enrichment activities next week on their return to school – our students certainly learn a lot from these off-campus experiences and they play a huge part in their ongoing personal development as global citizens. Finally, I look forward to seeing you all next week at our ‘Winter Wonderland’ celebration on the WP campus.