
December 8, 2015

The Windsor Park campus was quieter than usual last week, with our Secondary students away in different parts of Thailand, building their teamwork skills and testing their resilience beyond their comfort zone. Meanwhile, back at school, Primary and Early Years were busy preparing for the fantastic Winter Wonderland concert and fayre, taking place on Thursday of this week, and both campuses are looking ever more christmassy all the time. The quieter environment enabled key staff to begin looking at the massive amount of data we are building up about our students’ achievement and progress and, now, their attitudes to learning too. As many parents know, we are the home of the ‘Mona Lisa Effect’, which describes the way in which our school explores each child’s attitudes to learning and how they can be strengthened and enhanced to improve both learning and wellbeing. We now approach Term 2 with an even stronger understanding of all our students strengths and needs.