The annual Parent Survey and a new Medical Information Form will be sent to all parents by email on Friday 15 June and in hard copy on Monday 18 June.
Parent Survey
In order to constantly review what we do and how we do it, and how we can improve our service to you and your children, we feel strongly that your input is essential, and we will continue to conduct an annual parent survey. Please complete the Windsor Park Campus Parents? Survey form attached to reflect your honest opinion.
?Medical Form
It is vital that we keep the medical records of your children fully up to date, and would be grateful if you could also complete the Medical Information Form also attached. We will obviously treat all this information in the strictest confidence, and will be updating our database over the summer break. This is an opportunity not just to clarify the correct medical treatment necessary in the case of an emergency, but also a chance to update your contact details.
Both forms may be completed in English or Thai, and either in hard copy or via email.
Please return the hard copies to your child’s Form Tutor OR complete the emailed copies online, save and attach them to your email reply.
Thank you very much for your kind cooperation