Daily Routine

6:30am Wake Up by duty member of staff, make bed, shower, get dressed (lights and aircon turned off)
7:15am All students to leave the house (students checked as they leave the house and registered). Breakfast is compulsory for all students. After breakfast any prescribed medication will be given in this period by the school nurse back at the clinic.
8:00am The King’s Anthem marks the start of the school day (during which all students/staff/parents are requested to stand as a sign of respect for the King)
2.40pm-3.30pm Extra Curricular Activities (Tue, Wed, Thurs)
4:00pm-5.00pm Residential boarding curriculum Mon, Tue and Thu
Monday – Compulsory for all students.
Tuesday – optional for all students.
Thursday – optional for Secondary, compulsory for Primary.
BDST classes (Tues – Thurs).
5:15pm Roll Call taken by duty member of staff in silence in the reception area. Head of Boarding notices read out.
5:20pm Dinner and check houses are empty. Behaviour is monitored in the dining room and staff makes sure children eat a proper meal and leave the dining room tidy. After dinner the students go back to the house and get changed.
6:30pm Primary and Secondary Prep Starts. This is supervised for the whole of the prep period to maintain a good working atmosphere. No food or excessive talking is allowed in the Prep Rooms. Homework diaries are checked and signed.
7:30pm End of Primary Prep Evening Snacks- Primary
8.00pm Secondary Prep Ends. Any prescribed medication given to students in the clinic. Start of Secondary Sport, games and recreation. Shower and bedtime routine is 15 mins prior to lights out for all year groups.
9.00pm Primary lights out. End of Secondary Activities.
9:30pm Lights out Years 7-8
10.00pm Lights out Years 9 – 10
10.30pm Lights out Years 11
Year 12 and 13 in their rooms. Dormitories regularly patrolled.


3.00pm Weekly boarders sign out of the house. In House supervision and BDST classes start.
4.00pm Supervised trip to local shops, swimming etc.
5.15 pm Dinner.
7.00pm Evening activities to include film night, pizza, games, sports etc.
8.15pm Evening snacks. All lights out 30 mins later than week days.

Weekend Routine

BIST runs a tailored weekend activity programme for the benefit of the students. Some activities are compulsory for certain year groups. There will also be plenty of spare time over the weekend for students to relax with friends and take part in formal and informal sporting activities or study groups.


7.15am  Start of sporting activities off campus.
8.00am  Breakfast
9.00am  End of Breakfast and start of BDST Prep
12.00 pm  Lunch (Compulsory)
1.30pm – 3.00pm Primary Activity programme
5.15pm – 6.00pm Dinner
7.30pm  Evening activities – sports games etc.
Bed time 30 mins later than during the week.


9am-12.00noon Brunch
Sunday Trip every week for alternate age groups.
7.00pm  Weekly boarders to be back in the house.
Lights Out follows the week day routine.