Outstanding boarding facilities in a clean and green environment less than an hour from the city. Facilities more like serviced apartments with spectacular views of the golf course and rice fields

Flexible Boarding for students from 9-18 years old
- Day Boarding – 7am to 7pm
- Weekly Boarding – Monday to Friday
- Full Boarding – 24 hours/7 days a week during term time
- Separate accommodation for boys and girls
- Windsor House for 92 boys
- Tudor House for 92 girls
Each house has its own identity appropriate for the age and gender of our boarders.Common rooms which include a TV room, large attractive and welcoming lobby, games room and a separate study room.
- Full wi-fi access
- Common kitchen with cookers, ovens, microwave and refrigerators
- Spacious bedroom accommodation organised into 2 beds (Years 10-13) , 3 (Years 7-9) and 4 beds (Primary School students)
- En-suite toilet and shower for senior students
- Common toilet and shower for students 9-14 years old
- Full supervision by highly qualified staff
- Supervised homework and tutoring system by teachers and support staff
- Structured afternoon activities and sports
- Full access to school facilities; library, ICT, medical centre, sports and recreation
- A secure and safe environment with CCTV, public address system, fire alarm
- Supervised weekend programme of activities including regular trips
- Resident nurse
- Full catering and laundry services
What other opportunities does the boarding programme offer?
Our boarding programme gives our students more than just the chance to spend additional time than they are offered during the school day to work on their studies. It also inspires and encourages them to grow by presenting them with opportunities to grasp and interests to pursue which will, in time, transform them into mature, confident and respectable adults who are prepared for the future.