Term 1 – half term update from Heads of Boarding
We can’t quite believe that we have already finished the first half term and what a fantastic term it has been! This half term has welcomed many new staff and students to our Boarding houses and everyone has settled in brilliantly and are definitely feeling at home.
Our Academic Provision, Tutoring Programme and Chinese Student Support Programme are now fully established and the students are definitely showing dedication to their studies. Each student is spending fifteen minutes reading then taking ownership over the ELOs and ILTs they are completing. Many of our students are also taking full advantage of having Ms Meacham support them with their academic studies, especially with essay planning and English Language learning. Mr Barnes has been working with students each week on our new STEM Programme and this has been an exciting addition to our evening activities. It has been fantastic to see all students working hard this term in their Academic Development time and we would like to thank all of the Day Teachers for supporting students during this important part of our day.
As part of our ongoing commitment to offer a range of engaging and exciting enrichment opportunities and to encourage children to lead healthy lifestyles, we have recently published our “What’s on in Boarding” programme offering a wide range of activities from Monday to Thursday for students to participate in. These activities and opportunities help to educate students on the importance of looking after their wellbeing, both physically and mentally, whilst also developing the BIST Learner Profile aspects in each child so that they can become life-long learners and global citizens. For more information please visit our Facebook Page or see the posters in our houses.
We have had a large number of Boarding Trips this term that have been thoroughly enjoyed by students and staff. Some highlights include Bounce, Ocean World, Bowling at Mega Bang Na and numerous shopping trips. Mr Thee has been busy building links with a number of community and charity projects in Bangkok and arranging our Community Service Trips: we are excited to announce the details of these next half term. Many of our boarders ask us if they can invite their friends on Boarding Trips at the weekend. In order to allow their friends from school to attend these events we have recently sent a letter home inviting day students in Years 4 to 13 to the following trips:
Saturday 18 November 2017 – Community Service Trip to Paper Ranger (http://paperranger.org/en/home/) – this will take place after the SEAMO competition
Saturday 25 November 2017 – Laser Tag
Saturday 2 December 2017 – Snow Town
There are two pricing options for these trips: 1000 Thai Baht for trip only, or 1500 Thai Baht to include the trip and an overnight stay in Boarding. For more information or to secure your child’s place please email Miss Gemma (ggwilliam@bromsgrove.ac.th)
This half term Mr Cluver has been working hard with the Boarding Assistants to interview for the Boarding Student Leadership Team. We are currently working to finalise the successful candidates for the roles and will announce them all shortly. Our Thursday Team Time Sports Leaders and Boarding Shop teams are already busy fulfilling their duties each week and we have already seen them develop their leadership and communication skills in the short time they have been in position.
We are excited to announce that we have purchased a number of new things for the boarding houses for all students to use. Highlights include: a table tennis table, a large number of balls and sports equipment, and new kitchen resources to support our students in becoming independent and cooking for themselves.
Heads of Boarding
Miss Gemma Gwilliam and Miss Georgina Drew