Determination, resilience and positivity were key words in Primary a fortnight ago as students on Windsor Park took part in the first Bromsgrove challenge week. It was a fantastic week with children working outside their comfort zones gaining a whole range of new experiences. Our Year 2s stayed late at school for the first time, playing flashlight tag around the atrium and working in teams to complete a challenging obstacle course. After a trip to the Science Museum, our Year 3s returned to school to spend their first night away from home. We were very impressed with how sensible all the children were, especially our Year 3 boarders who took on the role of experts to ensure that their classmates enjoyed their time away from home. Our Year 4s, 5s and 6s went even further afield, going on trips all around the country. Their challenges included: living on a barge, staying in tree houses, trekking through the jungle, cooking their own food and learning about how different communities in Thailand live. I am very proud of all the students and I am looking forward to our Fantastic Finish that will take place this week. Students are using the videos and pictures from their trip to make a class film. These will be shown this Friday in the auditorium so that the whole of Primary and their parents can celebrate the successes of the last week.