‘Primary Student Council 2022-2023’

We are proud to introduce our Secondary Student Leadership Group of 2022-2023. At Bromsgrove, we believe wholeheartedly in student voice being key to ongoing school development. Next week, we will introduce you to our House Captains, Learning and Wellbeing Committees and Form House representatives.

‘Student Leadership Group 2022-2023’

Head Girls
Onmanee Rangsanjinda (Sang Sang)
Purada Sangwitayanon (Sene)

Deputy Head Boy
Jacob Byrne
Deputy Head Girl
Rung-Arun Kojima (Sakura)

Senior Prefects
Teerakan Churat (I-tim)
Tara Weili Koh (Weili)
Nitis Khaosomeang (North)
Hei Wing Yip (Jeanie)
Nongnapat Sinwanasarp (Chompuu)