Early Years Update

November 1, 2016

We have had a fantastic and busy first half term. This week we have hosted delegates from around the region as we explored what outstanding Pastoral care looks like in an International setting. We also held the first graduation for our Saturday School outreach cohort, celebrating how far they had come in just six short weeks. Our EY campus underwent another deep clean as we closed our Nursery and Pre Nursery block to ensure that the spread of Hand, Foot and Mouth was halted amongst our youngest children. The teachers used this time wisely, building water tables, sensory boards and even a farm ready for our students return. The student leadership committees on Windsor Park have also been busy creating games to ensure that every child enjoys their free time at break and lunch. My favourite game so far has been the Pokemon Go game, created by the Wellbeing committee and featuring pictures of teachers and students. This term I have have seen the children at WP and EY take ownership of their school and their education. I am very proud of what they have achieved, our traditional Fantastic Finish will be held this Friday on WP so please join us to celebrate another great half term.