Dear Parents and Guardians
I have had feedback from a number of parents about the time and date of the first Friends of Bromsgrove AGM. Many parents have expressed a concern that having this AGM meeting in the evening would mean many parents would be unable to attend the meeting, due to traffic and child care issues.
After listening to this feedback, I have decided to change the date and time of the meeting to Monday 27th October at 9am, on the Windsor Park Campus.
I trust this change of date and time will enable as many of our parents to attend this important event as possible and I look forward to seeing as many of you there as possible.
If you have not yet nominated yourself to be either a Year Group parent representative role or a FOB Committee member and wish to do so, please return the attached form to Miss Trini, our Parent Liaison Manager at by Friday 24th October.
Warmest Regards,
Dr Dan Moore