
November 4, 2015

The first week after the holiday in Secondary flew by, packed full of exciting lessons, sports and house activities. Our newly appointed Sports Captains were hard at work with Mr Gater, organising the dodgeball tournament that took place at lunchtime and the House Captains were busy organising and co-ordinating the Halloween event which took place on Friday. A number of students completed fantastic ELOs and ILTs over the holiday and their teachers asked them to show me their work. I was very impressed with the quality and the creativity of all the pieces I saw, particularly a very imaginative and humorous board game created by Lobster in Year 7 for his English ELO. The week ended with a very scary amount of costumes and Halloween activities – we had ghosts galore! The Birds display in the Library was eye-catching and the ‘pumpkin’ carving also displayed our Bromsgrove students’ artistic talents.