A delegation from BIST visited three schools in Taiwan over the weekend of 15 – 18 March.
The Headmaster, Mr Challoner, and his wife were accompanied by Mr Richard Cobey and Mrs Margaret Feng, to be welcomed by Pan Tao School in Miaoli, Hsin Fong School in Hsinchu and Cheng Gong School in Yilan.
Pan Tao and Hsin Fong have already sent students to BIST and the first students from Cheng Gong will arrive next term.
The schedule was a busy one with plenty of opportunities to speak with students and parents. The Headmaster made a presentation to parents, student interviews were carried out, and Mr Cobey delivered an excellent lesson in front of over 300 students. The whole trip was masterminded by our Head of Chinese, Mrs Feng.
At BIST we would like to see more students join us from Taiwan and we welcomed the opportunity to improve our links with our ?sister? schools. The staff returned home very tired, late on Monday 18 March.