This has been a busy week for both staff and students, with final preparations going on with the primary students for their challenge week, Korean BDST student exam preparation, university open days in town and basketball tournaments. For the staff, I am pleased to say that Ms Ho, Mr Armitage and myself are now qualified first aiders, which is a real bonus to boarding and our running of trips. We will, of course, still take a nurse on any of the higher risk trips, but, for minor cuts and bruises, falls or anything else that could happen when out and about, the students will have help on hand. Ms Ho has also been away for a couple of days to a boarding conference, to work with other schools sharing ideas to improve our boarding and make sure that we are offering all that we can. Finally, I spent Tuesday on training to support the International Award (IA), so that our boarders can get first hand advice on how to complete their bronze, silver and gold level training, and they can be fully supported on their adventure trips and also with their community service. The trip this weekend proved to be very popular: the Disney Ice Age show was spectacular and the students discovered the added bonus of a large science expo at the same venue. Next week, we will be going down to Pattaya to the Cartoon Network Water Park, so if any weekly boarders would like to attend, they need to let us know as soon as possible.