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Bromsgrove International School Thailand students are no strangers to the World Scholar’s Cup, the world’s most prestigious academic competition. However, this year, at the global finals in Kuala Lumpur, we excelled ourselves.

Amid over 1500 participants in the Junior division, four Bromsgrove students – Andrew Couper, Joon Ho Byun, Daisy Savage and Kai Tarrant – won a silver medal for debating, finishing in the top 3% in the whole division. Bromsgrove’s Team 432 – Andrew, Daisy and Joon Ho – were crowned the top Junior team in Thailand, the 3rd best Junior team across South East Asia, and the 5th best Junior team in the world; meanwhile, Joon Ho was the top Junior scholar in Thailand, and 35th in the world.

In the Senior division, Sydney Tarrant won a silver medal for debating, placing 55th out of around 1400 senior students, and Tan Kongpithaksilp and Lasanya Withayachon both won a ‘Da Vinci’ Silver Award for consistent, all-round performance. However, Thomas Savage stole the show, with a gold medal in debating (16th in the world), and silver medals (top 3% in the world) across the ‘Scholar’s Challenge’ exam and, specifically, in Social Studies, History and Science. The top senior scholar in Thailand, Thomas was also the 9th best across SE Asia, and 20th in the world.

For the second year running, two Bromsgrove teams have achieved automatic pre-qualification for the Tournament of Champions at Yale University: Ananya Sengupta, Jeana Lee and Kai Tarrant; and Andrew Couper, Daisy Savage and Joon Ho Byun. And, to cap it all, team coaches, Marie Beanland and Matthew Savage, jointly won the global Coach of the Year award.

Bromsgrove International School Thailand has, yet again, proven itself to be a an academic force to be reckoned with, and Bromsgrove students have distinguished themselves as amongst the very best not only in Thailand and South East Asia, but across the whole world. Next stop, Yale University!

450년 전통의 영국 명문 사립학교, Bromsgrove School UK의 유일한 해외 분교인 태국 브롬스그로브 국제학교(Bromsgrove International School Thailand, 이하 BIST)는각국의 우수한 인재를 발굴하여 세계 명문대학 진학 및 글로벌 리더를 양성하고자 2008년 8월에 BIST내 교육과정인 브롬스그로브 대원국제외국어학교 (Bromsgrove Daewon Foreign Language School Thailand, 이하 BDST)를 설립하였습니다.
BDST는 빠르게 변화하는 세계화의 흐름에 발맞추어 세계경영에 적합한 국제적 실력을 갖춘 인재를 육성한다는 교육 이념 아래 정통 영국식 커리큘럼 과정에 한국식 교육과정을 더한 글로벌 스탠더드 교육을 하고 있으며, 학생들의 올바른 품성 함양을 중요한 교육원칙으로 삼아 한국인의 정체성을 완전하게 확립한 글로벌인재가 될 수 있도록 지도하고 있습니다.
또한 영국 소재 학교와 유럽, 아시아, 중동의 영국계 국제학교에서 학생들을 지도하여 다양한 경험이 축적된 유능한 선생님들께서 학생의 숨은 잠재력을 충분히 발휘할 수 있도록, 학생 개개인의 특성에 맞춘 수준별 학습 및 체계화되고 과학적인 방법으로 심혈을 기울여 정성껏 지도하고 있습니다. 학생들은 영국A-Level 과정과 IGSCE과정 이수 후 영국, 미국을 비롯한 세계 명문 대학에 진학할 수 있으며, 글로벌 스탠더드 교육과정을 통해 배양된 국제적 역량을 기반으로 한 한국 명문 대학 진학이 가능합니다.

브롬스그로브 국제학교 두 곳의 캠퍼스
2-7세 : 랑캄행 164번지 저학년 캠퍼스 (Early year campus)
7-19세 : 윈저파크 골프장 캠퍼스 (Winder campus)

행정실 업무 시간
학기 중에는 7:30 – 16:30, 방학 기간에는 8:00 – 15:00까지 업무 시간입니다.

학교 개방 시간
학교는 월요일에서 금요일까지 개방하며 오전 8시에서 오후 5시까지 개방합니다.
1학년, 2학년은 8시 25분에 시작하여 오후 3시에, 3학년부터 13학년까지는 8시에 시작하여 오후 3시에 마칩니다.
1학년, 2학년의 야외 활동 가능 시간은 월요일에서 목요일, 오후 2시에서 3시까지입니다. 학교 양호실은 오후 3시에서 4시까지 개방합니다.
3학년부터 13학년까지의 방과 후 특별 할동 시간은 화-목요일, 오후 2시 50분부터 3시 40분까지입니다.
학교 입학을을 원하시면 스쿨 오피스로 연락 주시기 바랍니다.

Tel : 02-540-7122-3 (저학년 캠퍼스)

Tel : 02-989-4873 (내선번호 : 103 또는 112)

Email :

등록 방법
1. 지원
아래의 링크를 클릭하여 지원서를 작성한 뒤, 학교 팩스나 이메일로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 행정실에 직접 납부하셔도 됩니다.

Download application form

View Academic Calendar

2. 입학 시험
입학 담당자는 학생을 분석하고 영어 능력을 알아보는 시간을 갖을 것입니다. 그 다음, 선생님과 인터뷰를 합니다. 입학 시험비는 5,000바트이며 시험을 보기전에 납부하셔야 합니다. 시험 당일 지원서에 사인하시면 됩니다.
3. 시험 결과
시험 결과는 2-3일 후에 통보합니다. 학생들은 시험 결과에 따라 입학이 가능하며, 입학을 했을 경우에도 EAL 과정을 필요로 할 수도 있습니다.
4. 입학금과 학비 납부
학생의 입학 확정시, 저학년 캠퍼스의 경우 입학금 50,000바트와 보증금 20,000바트, 윈저파크 캠퍼스의 경우 입학금 100,000바트와 보증금 50,000를 인보이스에 지정된 날까지 납부하셔야 합니다. 보증금은 학생이 학교를 떠날 경우 한 학기 전에 스쿨오피스에 문서로 통보하여야지만 돌려받으실 수 있습니다. 교복 또한, 제시된 날짜까지 구입해주시기 바랍니다.

Last week the BIST primary FOBISIA squad took part in their first ever FOBISIA games. The event was held in Bangkok and hosted by the Regents International school. Schools from all over SE Asia took part in this prestigious event including schools from Vietnam, China, Malaysia and Nepal as well as Thailand. The students competed in Swimming, Athletics, Tee Ball and Football over 4 days. It was a fantastic few days of sport for our students who, just like the U 13 and U 15 BIST teams before them, did tremendously well. We won Gold medal in the Yr 5 football, Bronze medal in the yr 6 boys and girls football, claimed silver in the yr 5 and 6 boys girls tee ball, and claimed numerous individual medals in Athletics and swimming. A great achievement by the whole team. So a big congratulations to them all. Also a huge thank you must go to our wonderful primary parents who showed superb support for our team every single day of the games. The enthusiasm and positivity the parents showed for all the team was wonderful to see and experience and we thank them all for this. So, a really tremendous and hugely successful event for BIST. Well done to all involved.

Mr Beanland- Director of Sport

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School leaders from across Region A of FOBISIA (Vietnam, Thailand, Nepal and India) visited the Siam Oriental Performing Arts Centre on Saturday 16th May for their annual CPD meeting. Making the most of this fantastic facility, delegates discussed how best to improve CPD and staff development across FOBISIA next year, including some new ideas trialled by BIST this year. They also enjoyed a tour of the campus, and left thoroughly impressed by the wonderful site we have at Windsor Park.

Over the past weekend, May 16/17, Peng played in the Mercedes-Benz Junior Golf Championship held at Evergreenhills Golf Club. He finished on level par which resulted in another victory for him. As a result of this win he has qualified for the Asian Master Final due to take place in June. Congratulations Peng for another superb display of golf and good luck in June!

Bromsgrove International School has raised funds for the devastating earthquake in Nepal. The total raised at both the Early Years and Windsor Park campuses was THB 95,449 so far, which will be donated directly to UNICEF. Thank you EVERYONE so much for all your donations and support.

On Sunday 10th may BIST took part in the EIS invitational U16 Girls Volleyball tournament. This proved to be a highly succesful event for BIST as our team were victorious in every game they played and won the whole tournament to be crowned champions! The girls did not lose one set during the whole event and won all their games by 2 sets to nil!! A fantastic achievement by our fantastic team. Huge congratulations to all the girls involved and especially to coach Tak for doing such an amazing job to train them to be the excellent team they are now.

the team was: Nina, Eng, Farsai, Petty, Jeen, Nuna, Michelle.


Congratulations to Eng Yr 9 and Peng Yr 10 who will be heading to the USA in the summer as they have each gained a spot to play in the Junior World Golf Championships in San Diego from July 14 – 16.

Eng Secured her spot during the Songkran break returning scores of 74,73,75,70 overall +4. She clinched the final qualifying spot with a birdie on the final hole! Peng received an exemption for this years event after his performance in last years event. Good Luck!

SEAMC is an annual South East Asian Mathematics Competition for elite Mathematicians from schools based in SE Asia. This year it was held in Hong Kong…