The annual Parent Survey and a new Medical Information Form will be sent to all parents by email on Friday 15 June and in hard copy on Monday 18 June.

Parent Survey

In order to constantly review what we do and how we do it, and how we can improve our service to you and your children, we feel strongly that your input is essential, and we will continue to conduct an annual parent survey. Please complete the Windsor Park Campus Parents? Survey form attached to reflect your honest opinion.

?Medical Form

It is vital that we keep the medical records of your children fully up to date, and would be grateful if you could also complete the Medical Information Form also attached. We will obviously treat all this information in the strictest confidence, and will be updating our database over the summer break. This is an opportunity not just to clarify the correct medical treatment necessary in the case of an emergency, but also a chance to update your contact details.

Both forms may be completed in English or Thai, and either in hard copy or via email.

Please return the hard copies to your child’s Form Tutor OR complete the emailed copies online, save and attach them to your email reply.

Thank you very much for your kind cooperation

BIST students took full advantage when ten UK universities set up shop in the Assembly Hall on Friday 18 January. The universities commented on the high quality of out students’ questions.

Years 4 and 5 visited Ayutthaya, and Year 6 Chiang Mai in January. It loooks as if a fantastic time was had by all!


Bromsgrove students raised over THB 80,000 on the annual Sponsored Bike Ride. Year 10 and 12 students cycled at least 15km around Suan Rot Fai in Bangkok. All money raised will go to Camillian Home, a foundation which provides care for children with HIV/ AIDS. A big thank you to all students and their families in helping Bromsgrove support this cause.

Bike Ride video here

A fantastic concert of music from around the globe was once again the highlight of the annual International Day held on Thursday 8 March. The concert followed an afternoon of parades, displays and activities, as well as a huge selection of international foods donated by parents or cooked by the 6th Form.

Bromsgrove Book Week ! Febraury 27th – March 2nd

To mark this important date in our calendar, The English Department is happy to announce that our students will be taking part in a number of fun and interesting activities both in and out of school.

Educational visits – Years 7 & 8 have already visited the historic Nelson Hayes Library on Suriwong Road in Bangkok . This was an excellent opportunity to enhance their library and research skills and learn about our local literacy resources.

Year 9 will be visiting the headquarters of the Bangkok Post and also visiting the new printing press at Bang Na where they have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about how newspapers are published.

Spelling Bee – Students represent their Houses in the Spelling Bee. This is a rigorous and fun examination of their spelling capability and vocabulary. Preliminary stages will be in tutor group time. The grueling finals will be conducted in House Assembly.

Key Stage 3 and 4 students will be able to show their creative writing skills in a Poetry Writing Competition. There will also be a Readathon on Wednesday with classes performing their poetry in the atrium

Book Review – A number of students have written a review of their favourite books outlining the joys of literature. These will be displayed on our notice boards for all to see. Other students can try to guess which book has been chosen by each student.

Book Fair – We will also have two Book Fairs throughout the week, with many stimulating bargains to be had.

There were some outstanding performances and fierce competition between the Houses in this year’s Sports Day. For full report, see the 2 March edition of The Bromsgrovian.


Photos gallery

Bromsgrove was proud to host the termly meeting of ISTEC (the International Schools Technology Exchange Committee) on 10 February at Windsor Park Campus. There were over 30 visitors from across Thailand, and presentations were made by Microsoft and Apple on some of the latest uses of technology in the classroom. There was also discussion on a variety of issues from responses to the use of E-learning during the recent flooding, laptop and slate use in schools and internet safety. ISTEC is a collaborative effort to integrate technology across the whole school curriculum through the sharing of information and expertise.

International Schools Junior Golf Championship 2012

The annual International Schools Junior Golf Championship was hosted by Bromsgrove at the President Country Club on 5 February 2012.

It is the 6th year that Bromsgrove International School Thailand (B.I.S.T) has hosted the International Schools Junior Golf Tournament. The event is a scratch competition and prizes are awarded for each Class of competitors from A to D in both Girls and Boys. There is also a team prize for the best score taken from their best 3 gross scores. 99 competitors from 15 International Schools took part this year with the standard from the top golfers world class!

The overall best score of the day was from Pearl a 12 year old girl from Harrow International School with a superb 69 , 3under par. The team prize is always a very closely contested event and this year proved to be no different. The eventual winners were The American School of Bangkok (A.S.B) with team members Meaw, Loma and New with a total of 213. Rumrudee (R.I.S) was Runner Up with team members Pear, Nat and Pom with a total of 215. Third were the holders and hosts of the competition Bromsgrove International School (B.I.S.T). The team members, Bright, Cherry and Shamu, all returned a gross 73 for the total of 222.

The event was supported by many parents and coaches who witnessed the superb golf. The competition also received support from many sponsors which was tremendously generous and very much appreciated by all the competitors. Photographs from the event and a list of all competitors? results can be found on our school website

Susan Glover

7th Feb 2012