On 2 November, K. Thada Savetsila, the author of the book “People Champion”, shared his knowledge and experiences with local staff. This was such a great opportunity to learn from the guru. On 12 November, we arranged a Parent meeting to brainstorm ideas about how to support the next two big school events: the Loy Krathong event on 25 November, and the Winter Concert on 10 December. The meeting went very well. I am very proud of our parents, who always give full support and find ways to build a great learning atmosphere in school. The school will send a letter to inform all parents about the detailed program soon. Meanwhile, at the Early Years campus, the new Parent Teacher Association (PTA) has been set up with very good cooperation from parents. Everyone now now preparing for the fun Loy Krathong event on 24 November. With such good cooperation between parents and teachers, we can ensure that our children will be happy and can make progress as planned.