Wednesday ECA
Our Wednesday 9 Holes golf activity has seen the welcome addition of a few new faces, Trita, Belle, Vida , Kaow, Thungpetch Omsin and MJ. It is great to see our golfers enjoying their activity and let’s hope that one day they too may be vying for a place on our schools team alongside our established players.
FAMILY GOLF: This took place on Thursday 13 March 2014. The golfers played on Loop D, the 9 holes beside the school and then returned to the school for a BBQ and presentation around the swimming pool. The overall winners were Matthew Feng and Harris with a wonderful Net 28. The best overall score of the evening was Peng and his father with an amazing 8under par.
Sunday 30 March 2014 our golfers played in the BISAC Golf event at Green Valley Golf Club
1. Boys BISAC GOLF Champions 2014.
Individual performances:
Class B Boys
Winner Peng – Score -4
Runner Boat +3
2. Bangkok Cup 2014 – this is the equivalent to the professional golfers Fedex cup or Race to Dubai – combination of all the golf tournaments throughout 2013/2014 – the best 5 scores at each event from girls and boys which was concluded after the results from the BISAC event yesterday.
TEAM : Bromsgrove – Runners up
Congratulations to all the golfers who have all been part of the team and contributed to the success this year.
INDIVIDUAL Boys Champion Bangkok Cup Winner 2013-2014 Peng
Final event for the year is an invitational match hosted by the RBSC on 28 April after Songkran – Team of 6. Please see the notice board for details.