Welcome back to all the Primary and Early Years students. It has been lovely catching up with families from our Early Years campus as they joined in our annual Mother’s’ Day celebration. It was a beautiful day and the perfect way to welcome new students and parents into our EY community. Our year has had a Super Start at WP as well with classes from Year 2 – 6 taking part in their topic emersion. Year 6 children were sorted into their Hogwarts Houses with the aid of an eerily familiar sounding sorting hat. Year 2 children enjoyed a ‘Disgusting Discovery’ to build their vocabulary for their topic of the Twits. Across the atrium, Year 5 had to work as detectives to solve a mystery that had been left by the BFG. Finally, possibly the most delicious Super Start took place in Year 3 where children created their own chocolate bars for approval and feedback from Willy Wonka. What a great start to, what promises to be, a very exciting term!