
September 21, 2015

Matthew Savage, our Deputy Head of School, writes: “For me, the week was all about Polio Points. My colleague, d’Arcy Lunn’s fantastic presentations to students on Monday set the standard, and the ‘Drop Day’ was a resounding and popular success across the Windsor Park campus. On Tuesday, I enjoyed a fun assembly with our Early Years children before they threw themselves into their own Polio Points day. On Wednesday, I led a Parent Workshop on the Early Years campus to explain to a room full of parents about Polio Points and how it can transform their child’s learning, wellbeing and attitudes to learning. And on Friday, we hosted a large Press Conference, where representatives from many of Thailands top publications and broadcasters gathered together to learn about Polio Points, and how BIST is leading the world in our development of outstanding learners and global citizens. Most exciting for me was hearing five of our students, from across the Primary and Secondary schools, answer the journalists’ questions with such passion for a rewards program of which they are so proud. Like Ruth and Hannah, I can’t wait now to see the election of our various Student Voice representatives – next week should be very exciting indeed.”