It has been a very exciting term in boarding. The students have been working hard to complete their studies, with some of the older students even dedicating their free time to ensuring their coursework and revision is up to date.
During the weekends, we have had a range of trips including: bowling, Escape Hunt, Mangrove planting and more recently, Cartoon Network. Students have also been working collaboratively through different Thursday Team Time activities and it has been wonderful seeing more and more students being actively involved in these events. A big thank you goes to Nina, Pond, Nic S, Tawfiq, Miss Jessica and Mr Chai for running these events!
In the final three weeks of term, we were lucky to have an extra fourteen Primary students joining our boarders for the IEC. The Boarding team were extremely proud of how much the students developed in confidence and independence and how kind our current primary boarders were. We hope that the students come back and visit again soon as they will be missed!
Finally, on Thursday 30 March 2017, we celebrated Songkran with water games and a wonderful meal outside on the field. The students were complimented on by Dr Moore, Mrs Young, Mr Young, Ms Bennett and Mr Barnes for their team work, involvement and the real sense of community that the boarders have with each other.
Miss Gemma and Ms Drew wish everyone a fantastic break and we look forward to welcoming students back after 16:00 on Monday 17 April 2017.