This week saw the finalists of Bromsgrove’s Got Talent confirmed. I am thrilled with the range and quality of the acts that will be performing this week and excited to be part of the judging panel. Please do come along and support all the students who are involved in this event: Thursday 15 October at 3.30pm. Our Student Voice committees have also met this week and have provided useful feedback to me about the areas of the school which they would like to see developed further. I also spent some time this week seeing some of the fantastic ELO and ILT work that Secondary students have produced: all the pieces that I was privileged to see showed immense creativity and depth of understanding. The week was rounded off by a supremely positive Parents’ Workshop on Friday, to give feedback from staff and students about the new ‘homework’ at Bromsgrove and to hear thoughts and opinions from the parents. It was an hour full of interesting feedback and I would like to thank all parents who came along and spoke to us, as this perspective is so important to us as a school as we continue to develop.