As I mentioned a fortnight ago, we have recently been visited by our sister school Bromsgrove UK and it was wonderful to show them around the Secondary School and see all the wonderful teaching and learning taking place. During their visit, there was also the opening of the Khun Thiti memorial library where our Head Boy, Jason, read a wonderful poem about the joy reading gives chosen by our Library Coordinator, Ms Loughran. The renovations that have taken place in the library have given it an amazing sense of light and space; I have been pleased when popping in at lunchtimes to see students using both the reading and study areas productively, as well as the MakerSpace room upstairs to develop individual creative projects. Also, the auditions for the School Production 2017 of Bugsy Malone have drawn to a close and the roles have been announced! Rehearsals for the production, as well as building of the set have already started in earnest – it promises to be a real treat for parents, students and staff in Term 2!